================== Network Federation ================== What is meant by "network federation"? ====================================== Mixmatch offers a mechanism to extend a network across clouds. Note that this idea of 'extending' is different than the direct access which the image federation and volume federation features offer. A user's choice to extend a network will usually be explicit and voluntary, whereas the sharing of images and volumes tends towards being implicit and automatic. Support for network federation requires that Neutron be backed by the ML2 plugin. This plugin is often considered normal, or vanilla, so most clouds probably satisfy this requirement easily. The precise mechanism which allows the network federation feature to function is VXLAN tunneling between clouds. Finally, note that currently the scope of this feature is limited to extending networks from a remote cloud to the so-called 'local' cloud in which the Mixmatch proxy service resides. Network federation for operators ================================ Some steps must be taken to configure clouds in such a way that the network federation feature works as intended. Registering remote VXLAN endpoints ---------------------------------- In a single-cloud deployment, the Neutron ML2 plugin creates a VXLAN mesh among compute nodes, to allow virtual machines residing on separate physical hardware to communicate. The ability to manipulate the VXLAN mesh is not exposed by the Neutron API, so operators must edit database entries manually. Below, we use MySQL as an example, but operators should take care to translate these queries to be compatibile with their own database. Below is how the database entries may appear for a single-cloud deployment: .. sourcecode:: console mysql> select * from neutron.ml2_vxlan_endpoints; +-------------+----------+------------+ | ip_address | udp_port | host | +-------------+----------+------------+ | | 4789 | compute-01 | | | 4789 | controller | | | 4789 | compute-02 | +-------------+----------+------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) .. These entries are automatically populated by Neutron and contain references to each compute node in the cloud. In order to allow networks to extend across clouds, operators should simply insert entries for the compute nodes in remote clouds: .. sourcecode:: console mysql> insert into neutron.ml2_vxlan_endpoints (ip_address, udp_port, host) values ('', 4789, 'compute-01.remotecloud.org'); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from neutron.ml2_vxlan_endpoints; +-------------+----------+----------------------------+ | ip_address | udp_port | host | +-------------+----------+----------------------------+ | | 4789 | compute-01 | | | 4789 | controller | | | 4789 | compute-02 | | | 4789 | compute-01.remotecloud.org | +-------------+----------+----------------------------+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec) .. Finally, operators should take care to ensure that the incoming UDP traffic on port 4789 is in-fact permitted. **NOTE**: Similar steps to those above must be performed on each cloud, in order to support bidirectional traffic. Because managing numerous entries in the database can become unwieldy, an operator might consider installing some device, of an unknown nature, which could perform VXLAN termination for an entire cloud. A reference to this device would appear in the database instead of entries for each compute node. Configuring Neutron policies ---------------------------- The operations which Mixmatch performs to extend a network are, by default and by nature, privileged operations. The default Neutron policy restricts the performance of these operations to users with the ``admin`` role. Therefore, in its home cloud only the Mixmatch service user should have this role. In a federation of clouds, however, the landlord of each remote cloud will probably not want to give out this ``admin`` role. In fact he or she will want to only give the Mixmatch service user the minimal amount of elevated permissions needed to perform the network-extending operations, and no more. Therefore a new role, which we will call ``mixmatch_fancy_role``, should be created in each remote cloud. Operators should ensure that the Mixmatch service user is given this role in its mapped projects in those remote clouds. Then, the following entries in the Neutron ``policy.json`` file should be changed or added: (at the time of writing Neutron still does not have any default policies registered in code, so the rest of the policy file must stay intact) .. sourcecode:: json { "mixmatch": "role:mixmatch_fancy_role", "context_is_advsvc": "rule:mixmatch", "get_network:provider:segmentation_id": "rule:admin_only or rule:mixmatch" } .. Note that due to limitations in Neutron's policy engine we must take advantage of the ``advsvc`` ("Advanced Services") permission feature, rather than define our own custom policy. Therefore, operators might want to additionally tweak the other default entries in policy.json which reference this role (mostly related to port operations). Ensuring non-conflicting VXLAN IDs ---------------------------------- Because Mixmatch will be creating new networks with a particular VXLAN ID specified, there may be conflicts if the various remote clouds assign these IDs randomly (the default behavior). In the ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini`` file of each cloud, operators should take care to set a reasonable and non-overlapping ``start:end`` value for ``[ml2_type_vxlan]/vni_ranges``. Network federation for users ============================ Users consume the network federation feature by sending requests to an extension of the Neutron API which is exposed by the Mixmatch proxy service. API reference ------------- The details of that API call follow below. (Note that because the network extending is always performed as remote-to-local, the ``MM-SERVICE-PROVIDER`` header is not understood by this call.) .. sourcecode:: console POST /network/v2.0/networks/extended .. .. sourcecode:: json { "network": { "existing_net_id": "60ed86b2-8db8-4459-8d31-475345534dec", "existing_net_sp": "some_remote_sp", "name": "my_cool_extended_network" } } .. On success, the response of this API call will be identical in format to the standard Neutron POST ``/v2.0/networks``. On failure, there are several specific error codes which can be returned: * 400, if ``existing_net_id`` or ``existing_net_sp`` are not present in the request body * 401, if the user is unauthorized (no token or invalid token) * 409, if there is a naming conflict for the extended network * 422, if a request to Neutron ended with a client-side error (usually network not found or not available to the user), or if the service provider is not known to Mixmatch * 503, if a request to Neutron ended with a server-side error Subnet management ----------------- Note however, that it will remain the responsibility of the user to manage the subnets of extended networks. In other words, the network-extending functionality which Mixmatch exposes does not perform any subnet operations. Users should take care to make sure that for the subnet in each cloud, the first three octets of the (IPv4) subnet are the same, but that the allocation pools do not overlap. Additionally, the user should ensure that DHCP is only enabled for the subnet of one cloud and not the other. (The choice of which subnet will offer DHCP can, in practice, be an arbitrary one.) Users can have the two subnets share one router ("gateway"), or have a separate gateway for each cloud. Some example code which may help in following these guidelines is found below: .. sourcecode:: console old_subnet = ( [s for s in CLOUD1_NEUTRON_CLIENT.list_subnets()['subnets'] if (s['ip_version'] == 4 and s['network_id'] == CLOUD1_NETWORK_ID)][0] ) old_subnet_id = old_subnet['id'] old_subnet_start = old_subnet['allocation_pools'][0]['start'] maximum_ip = int( old_subnet['allocation_pools'][0]['end'] .split('.')[-1] ) pool_base = re.sub(r'\d+$', '', old_subnet_start) CLOUD1_NEUTRON_CLIENT.update_subnet( old_subnet_id, body={'subnet': {'allocation_pools': [{'start': old_subnet_start, 'end': '{}{}'.format( pool_base, maximum_ip // 2)}]}} ) new_subnet_body = ( {'enable_dhcp': False, 'network_id': CLOUD2_NETWORK_ID, 'dns_nameservers': old_subnet['dns_nameservers'], 'ip_version': 4, 'gateway_ip': old_subnet['gateway_ip'], 'cidr': old_subnet['cidr'], 'allocation_pools': [{'start': '{}{}'.format(pool_base, maximum_ip // 2 + 1), 'end': '{}{}'.format(pool_base, maximum_ip)}] } ) new_subnet = CLOUD2_NEUTRON_CLIENT.create_subnet( body={'subnet': new_subnet_body}) ..